重要訊息: 網頁/電郵寄存服務現已全面升級

Dear valued customer,

We are pleased to inform you that our website and email hosting services have been fully upgraded to Google Cloud Servers. Going forward, the loading speed of your website and emails will be enhanced by over 100% compared to the traditional servers, whether you are accessing them locally, within your country, or globally (similar to most Google services, utilizing the same network infrastructure, like YouTube).

Question: What do I need to do after the upgrade?

Answer: Currently, you do not need to take any action. We will upgrade your account to Google Cloud Servers in a 1:1 mirror mode. Therefore, all user settings and interfaces will remain the same as your previous usage. However, please take note of the following minor changes:

As the new system utilizes local routes to Google Cloud Servers, the login URLs have been updated as follows:
– Online Control Panel DirectAdmin Login (SSL): https://login.hkright.com.hk or https://login.hkright.com.hk:2222 (Please use the same username and password for login)
– If you are using local email services, the online email login URL Webmail Login (SSL): https://login.hkright.com.hk/webmail (Please use the same email address and password for login)

Question: Will there be any additional charges for this upgrade, and will there be an increase in service fees upon renewal?

Answer: This upgrade is intended to enhance your user experience and therefore comes with no additional charges. Furthermore, we assure you that all existing customers will continue with their current plans upon renewal, and we will not adjust the renewal fees. (Except for new domain registrations or new/application changes to cloud service plans)

Question: Has my service already been upgraded to the local route Google Cloud servers?

Answer: Your domain has now been upgraded to the Google Cloud Servers. Please click here to verify.

We believe that through this complimentary upgrade, you will have an even more superior user experience.

Should you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you!